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Current Projects
Reach CodesLobbying City Council to "reach' beyond California state building codes to establish greener building requirements. Click here for more information on Reach Codes.
Climate Action PlanEncouraging the city of Pacifica to implement its Climate Action Plan (CAAP)
PPACollaborating with other local environmental and social justice organizations to form the Pacifica Progressive Alliance
Success Stories
Partnered with 350 Silicon Valley and Peninsula Clean Energy to host a second "Home Electrification" workshop. Click Here to See Recording
Partnered with Pacifica Clean Energy and the City of Pacifica to host an "Electrification Workshop in Pacifica, attended by 70 people. Click Here to See Recording
Successfully lobbied Pacifica and Half Moon Bay City Councils to endorse the Seamless Transit Principles, "Run all Bay are transit as one easy-to-use system."
Successfully lobbied the city council to make implementation of the Climate Action Plan a priority.
Hosted a community event with Pacifica’s Environmental Family on sea level rise, featuring the film “Shored Up” and speakers that included County Supervisors Dave Pine, Don Horsley, and State Senator Jerry Hill.
Hosted City Council Candidates Forum with other local environmental groups.
Formed the Pacifica Climate Committee as a citizens group to work on climate change issues in Pacifica.
Partnered with 350 Silicon Valley and Peninsula Clean Energy to host a second "Home Electrification" workshop. Click Here to See Recording
Partnered with Pacifica Clean Energy and the City of Pacifica to host an "Electrification Workshop in Pacifica, attended by 70 people. Click Here to See Recording
Successfully lobbied Pacifica and Half Moon Bay City Councils to endorse the Seamless Transit Principles, "Run all Bay are transit as one easy-to-use system."
Successfully lobbied the city council to make implementation of the Climate Action Plan a priority.
- Began working with SamTrans to advocate for better bus service in Pacifica.
- Organized a Transit Forum with city of Pacifica and SamTrans.
- Successfully lobbied SamTrans to perform a transit needs assessment in Pacifica and to actively consider reinstating the express bus service between Pacifica and downtown San Francisco.
- Began working with other Pacifica groups to form the Pacifica Progressive Alliance in an effort to amplify our citizen voices toward progressive, sustainable, and just outcomes for our community.
- Hosted a Community Choice Energy event with the San Mateo County's Office of Sustainability. Community Choice Energy is about speeding the creation and adoption of renewable energy sources on a large scale and providing consumers with options where there previously were none.
- Sent a representative to San Mateo County's Community Choice Energy advisory board.
Hosted a community event with Pacifica’s Environmental Family on sea level rise, featuring the film “Shored Up” and speakers that included County Supervisors Dave Pine, Don Horsley, and State Senator Jerry Hill.
Hosted City Council Candidates Forum with other local environmental groups.
- Successfully lobbied City Council to create a climate action plan.
- Many PCC members served on the city’s Climate Action Plan Task Force which drafted Pacifica’s Climate Action Plan.
- Successfully lobbied the city of Pacifica to implement curbside compost pickup in the city's new garbage contract.
- Hosted, jointly with the city council, a community forum on Climate Change. The event was held at city council chambers and featured State Senator Jerry Hill who addressed the forum.
- Successfully lobbied the city council to sign on to the Mayor’s Climate Protection Commitment.
Formed the Pacifica Climate Committee as a citizens group to work on climate change issues in Pacifica.